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ALRTA responds to VicRoads privatisation

The ALRTA isn’t completely positive about the move to privatise VicRoads

The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) has responded to the recent move to privatise VicRoads.

Recently the licencing and registration function of VicRoads was privatised for 40 years in order to raise $7.9 billion for the Victorian state government.

But the ALRTA has raised doubts over the move as it expresses concern over the motivations of the new owners.

While the state government retains ownership of the VicRoads service, it will be run by a consortium of Aware Super, Australian Retirement Trust and Macquarie Asset Management.

The state government says money raised will go to the Victorian Future Fund to address the current pandemic debt.

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While this private ownership happens, Victorian treasurer Tim Pallas says the state government will continue to control data, privacy provisions and essential fee prices. 

But the ALRTA has raised its concerns about the move in its recent newsletter.

The association says the move is “concerning given that profit is clearly the motivation of the purchasing group”.

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