Aldi will seek further information over alleged safety breaches from the TWU in negotiations next week
Aldi will seek further information from the Transport Workers Union (TWU) about alleged incidents which the union has called serious safety breaches.
An Aldi spokesperson tells ATN that it had applied to the Federal Court to delay hearings of its case against the TWU in order to hold further discussions with the union.
“Aldi sought mediation in an attempt to seek further information about safety breaches as alleged by the TWU so these could be addressed,” the spokesperson says.
“Aldi is hopeful that these details will be forthcoming.”
The supermarket chain also said it stood by its previous statements, which denied any issues existed within its transport operations, emphasising its commitment to the safety of its extended supply chain.
The German-owned supermarket chain has been a TWU target since last year, with the union organising protests outside its stores over what it says is its encouragement of unsafe work practices – including skipping work breaks and ignoring road rules.
In a TWU announcement, national secretary Tony Sheldon says the talks with Aldi will centre on safety and standards, adding that he was looking forward to them.
“We are hopeful of a fruitful outcome that will benefit drivers and the broader community,” he says.
“We all have a part to play in ensuring a sustainable, safe transport industry. Other major retailers have come on board and are working with us to achieve that end. We would like to see Aldi join the drive for this important goal.”
The announcement comes one week after the TWU and Coles signed two statements of principles at the union’s National Council meeting in Adelaide.
The agreement involved statements of principles to ensure safe and fair conditions for workers in the Coles supply chain and the on-demand economy, the TWU says.