Logistics News

ALC welcomes NSW industrial review

The ALC wants the review to better protect the state’s key freight routes for operators

The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) says it welcomes the findings of a New South Wales Greater Cities Commission review into the industrial lands retain and manage policy.

The ALC previously called for the retain and manage policy to preserved in a submission to the review in 2021.

The ALC says it will protect industrial lands in the Greater Sydney area to ensure there’s adequate room to move as the freight task grows.

The logistics council also wants to ensure key freight routes and areas are protected to keep the supply chain moving.

ALC CEO Brad Williams says the key outcomes of the review, which included the need to protect industrial land, meant the policy would continue to apply and maintain protections of critical industrial land that is key to the supply chain’s future.

“The ALC welcomes the findings of the review and urges all levels of government to work together to ensure they are implemented going forward,” Williams says.

“We are confident the findings of the review, to maintain and strengthen the retain and manage policy will deliver the right outcomes for industry, the economy and the greater Sydney community.

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“The ALC supports appropriate land use planning protections to preserve key freight and industrial lands and the Commission’s draft guiding principles to support and strengthen the policy are encouraging.”

The ALC says in its submission to the review it wanted restrictions placed on freight and logistics operators to be removed so the supply chain could remain efficient.

“In our submission, the ALC noted that encroachment of residential and other sensitive uses on industrial lands has given rise to restrictions on freight and logistics operators,” Williams says.

“These include curfews, truck limits, restricted loads, increased road congestion and increasing the tyranny of distance – all of which only serve to put greater cost pressures on the industry and the customers.”

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