Archive, Industry News

ACCC allows AdBlue supply collaboration

New rulings will help manage AdBlue supplies in Australia

The ACCC is granting authorisation to allow manufacturers of the diesel exhaust fluid AdBlue and other industry members to collaborate to continue distributing the product amid potential shortages.

The ACCC, along with the federal government, is allowing the transport industry to work together to continue supplying AdBlue, even when Australia’s largest manufacturer of the fluid is set to close later this year.

The application for authorisation was first lodged in December 2021 when China closures meant AdBlue experienced shortages and manufacturers struggled to secure supply.

The shortages disrupted many sectors relying on modern diesel engines that require AdBlue.

On December 22, 2021, the ACCC allowed for an urgent interim authorisation that resulted in the industry implementing measures to address the shortage and coordinate supplies.

RELATED ARTICLE: NatRoad expresses AdBlue crisis concern

The body has now granted authorisation for industry collaboration until December 1 2022, with the authorisation granted being the same as the current conditions allowed under the 2021 ruling.

With more shortages expected, the ACCC says that enabling the continued industry coordination of AdBlue supplies will help assist in managing and reducing the risk of an AdBlue crisis.

By limiting these risks, the federal government is hopeful of significant public benefits and is looking to limit any detriments to members of the transport industry.

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